Health and Fitness Just How Valuable is it Really?

By Billy Gaines
One of my favorite quotes of all times concerning health and fitness is that of Covert Bailey from the book “Fit Or Fat” “If exercise was a medicine it would be the most prescribed medicine of all times.

This a amazingly true, because I‘ve learned from reading reports on clinical studies, and personal experience that adopting a healthy life style by diet and exercise is one of the most life altering decisions that you will ever make.

Recently I had a conversation with John Shrorer the Mayor of Franklin TN. We talked about the attendance being down at the Franklin YMCA where we work out regularly. We both commented on the economy, and how it had caused a shift in the priorities of some the YMCA members. I commented that I had to make the work outs a priority because the only thing that I had in my possession that I could not buy another of was my body.

John made a great analogy. He said it is much like businesses that get in financial trouble, and one of the first things that they want to cut is their advertising budget, so it is with people eliminate their exercise program.

Here is a thought there are people that would never put cheap gasoline in their cars, yet they will put junk in their bodies. You can get your fuel tank purged of fuel injectors replaced, in the event your beloved vehicle ingests some polluted petrol. On the other hand plaques build-up in your arteries will might require bypass surgery.

Value yourself. Eat healthy and exercise it may payoff dividends that are more precious that gold, your very life, or quality thereof.

Billy Gaines is a certified personal fitness trainer and personal weight loss life coach residing in Franklin TN.

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This website keeps alive the memory and vision of our parents Mary Kathryn Gaines and James L. Smith, cofounders of "The Inspiration" a print newsletter from the days before the internet. They were lifelong learners and generous teachers who always had a tip, a how-to, an-easier-way nugget to share; always practical, wildly creative, and life inspiring. This collection of tips, treasures, wisdom, whit, practical information and inspiration is written to continue that legacy.

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