Garden Inspiration

Here's a peak around my 2010 Summer yard and garden. 

Crepe myrtle's first year blooming!
Wild blackberry in the foreground and wild elderberry in the distance. 

Blueberries bushes and a young apple tree. 
Tea herbs: fennel, stevia and lemongrass.

Onions, chard, Arugula. Down the center perennials: Anise, Lemon balm, rosemary.  Blank spaces had lettuce and are waiting for winter greens.

 Wall of pole beans behind peppers, with dill in the center.

 Tomatoes with a new wood border waiting for more compost and dirt. 

Mini frog and fish pond to supply water to the toads, salamanders, and beneficial insects.

Hope he's eating slugs.
Squash and cucumbers showing signs of stress from bugs.  I canned plenty of pickles and relish before the damage got too bad. 

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This website keeps alive the memory and vision of our parents Mary Kathryn Gaines and James L. Smith, cofounders of "The Inspiration" a print newsletter from the days before the internet. They were lifelong learners and generous teachers who always had a tip, a how-to, an-easier-way nugget to share; always practical, wildly creative, and life inspiring. This collection of tips, treasures, wisdom, whit, practical information and inspiration is written to continue that legacy.

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