Organic Gardening - Pest

Can you identify these pest and problems and offer any organic suggestions? 

Mystery Eggs?

Squash bug?


A tomato with a problem I've never seen before.

Flea Beetles?


wild rabbits (this one was a pet on the loose)


yellowing leaves

Your help would be greatly appreciated.
If you have suggestions leave them in the comments below.  Thanks!

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This website keeps alive the memory and vision of our parents Mary Kathryn Gaines and James L. Smith, cofounders of "The Inspiration" a print newsletter from the days before the internet. They were lifelong learners and generous teachers who always had a tip, a how-to, an-easier-way nugget to share; always practical, wildly creative, and life inspiring. This collection of tips, treasures, wisdom, whit, practical information and inspiration is written to continue that legacy.

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